It's one of those turns of phrase that I've always been apt to question: 'I'm just me, take me or leave me'...really? REALLY? Wouldn't the world be a wonderful, calm and peaceful place to be if every time that somebody uttered that phrase, they truly meant it. Maybe people do; as it happens, if that were me saying it, I'd be a downright liar.
Because, like a lot of folk, I enjoy the feeling of others enjoying me: my personality, my But I am well aware that this is not always the case. Take Simona for instance, a girl who hated me from day dot for no other reason, it seemed, than her object of affection at the time appeared to have taken a shine to me and my pert 14 year old frame. things change...but back to the point, I am (on my nomadic route to goodness knows where, 'fulfillment', I think), frequently approaching challenges that have me questioning how and indeed when I will be happy to say 'take me or leave me'. Will I suddenly forget that in spite of myself, I yearn for that celeb litheness? And shall I laugh in the face of everybody who wishes that I never achieve this celeb-body status lest it make them feel worse about themselves?
You know what...maybe I'll teach myself a lesson. Maybe i'll just attempt to have fun being Sian Marie for now. And revel in the fact that my 8 month old daughter adores my bosom for what it is to her: a treasure trove of milk rather than the slighlty dishevelled shell of what was not so very long ago a treasure chest.
Fantastic opener Sian, Look forward to reading more nomadic ramblings :)